Monday, September 29, 2014

Global surveillance: the public must fight for their rights to privacy ... British-American surveil

Global surveillance: the public must fight for their rights to privacy ... British-American surveillance program Tempora marks a turning point of history. News agencies unnoticed implement total public oversight. Governments deliberately concealed from the public the extent to which it is observed. The term "information superhighway" was always insufficient to describe the Internet universal salvage ... next week and next month will show whether they are democratic societies around the world strong enough to oppose unlimited, totalitarian ambitions of the secret services of the West - or they do not have. The governments of the countries concerned by this issue, to resolve apparently not enough. Well aware that the implementation of such types of supervision lacks democratic legitimacy. But even so, these programs back in his electorate prevail. Now it's up to voters to defend. It's up to us, the data ended odchytána networks tempore. universal salvage We must compel their representatives to defend our freedom. - Der Spiegel Dominant Social Theme: It's now the regulatory democracy. Analysis of the free market: So now it takes several decades, the leaders of regulatory democracy concerted effort to build a surveillance society, and it is now on voters to reverse within a few weeks the proverbial universal salvage tidal wave. That's what Der Spiegel asks indignantly. The author of this opinion certainly has heart in the right place, but we can not help, and we have to wonder whether this is just another propaganda mem (to vaccinate our minds) that is being created. If voters confused and chaotic state regulatory proceeds to immediate universal salvage action at the polls to cast out those rogues, so inevitably get what they deserve. Here's more from the article: The appropriate metaphor for the real world, this program could be something like this: In every room, every house and every apartment, installed cameras and microphones, each letter is opened and copied every phone is tapped. Everything that happens is recorded and can be recalled that, if needed, to get. It sounds absurd, but it is scary to approach the reality universal salvage of the Guardian on Friday universal salvage revealed. GCHQ and NSA monitors Internet traffic direct interception of data flows sent by optical universal salvage cable. Can this data be copied and catch to them later, if necessary, discussed. Those for this scandalous program did not even bother to deny what they're up to. Where is ... but this outrage? It seems strange, therefore, that the reaction of the Anglo-Saxon world is so reticent. Sure, Guardian Washington Post as well as detail on these programs reported. However, in the political sphere, universal salvage it was mainly universal salvage a handful universal salvage of German politicians echoing his outrage. And for good reason. The fact that the Americans and British - still will have to reveal who else participated - themselves have given this enormous responsibilities without even informing his people, is a scandal of historic proportions ... Public disclosure of these activities in the Guardian offense thanks to risky former employee NSA Edward Snowden is a turning universal salvage point. Ok, so this article seems to argue that when people around the world proceeds to action through protests or at the ballot box, so what was created, universal salvage in essence, seeks to legitimize. Vote now or forever by either reunited. We do not let in Snowden, who by the way seems to be courageous, caring and humble human being. But even the smartest of us can be manipulated, so let's wait and see what is installed from the last event emerges. Since we are optimistic and we study history, we would also point out that even the best attempts of co-optation of information technology unusual for those who wanted to retain control of the company easy. One can melt all types gambit, but it does not mean that can easily hinder the momentum of history that now seems to be directed away from komandovacího style controls over the economy and politics of the 20th century. Bearing this in mind we would do an article in Der Spiegel responded by saying that what was constructed universal salvage more than a century, may not destroy month. Just because people do not approve immediately that those rascals fall out of the office, it does not mean approval of the current environment. These things take time. We're dealing with huge problems universal salvage of international scope. What we anticipate is some form of total dissolution of regulatory democracy. We're pretty universal salvage sure about that either not considered, or at least not as a feasible possibility, but maybe this is it, what most actually chosen, because this is the easiest option available. Conclusion: They are trying to install these massive public surveillance systems, thus possibly believe that I won, "zkousnutí" from the public, because universal salvage the recoil is neither immediate nor rough. But in the long run, perhaps set in motion events that are not able to control. Translation: Miroslav Pavlicek Source:
Britain is a typical example of plutocracy which controls este vetcia plutocracy universal salvage of the USA or the EU nieje it

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