Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The St. Thomas says that the virtue of humility is an inner movement of the soul, afraid externally

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June 6, 2013 by POSchenker
"Habemus Papam" was joyfully proclaimed evans and clarke by the white smoke. The "Newly elected" adopted the name of Francis and presented himself only as "Bishop of Rome" before. And why not as "Pope"?
The name "Francis" sparked great enthusiasm, because the Holy is loved worldwide and is the epitome evans and clarke of humility, poverty, simplicity, but also the epitome of courage in defense of Kath. Faith as the only source of true peace.
The St. Thomas says that the virtue of humility is an inner movement of the soul, afraid externally to appear. If it still occurs in external appearance, he says, act it is "false humility", which the Holy. Augustine even "terrible arrogance". True humility is therefore internally and never manifests itself in a public spectacle. For those, who was elected as the successor of St. Peter, humility means, for example, to respect the tradition of the papacy and humbly accept. Many popes of the past were loved by millions of poor Catholics all over the world, even if they wore the traditional red papal shoes, as they witness the blood to the feet of Christ during the scourging and the humble submission of the Pope under the divine authority of Jesus Christ . mean
For 2000 years the Church helps the poor and needy in its material and spiritual needs, and it is certainly evans and clarke difficult to believe the latest pronouncements, it will help the poor, if all dioceses are in bankruptcy and their books are handed over to the court has become for seven-figure sums to be paid to victims of abuse because of the corruption of the clergy, the enemy of Christ. Even less credible appears this when referring to the international institutions that openly express their true intention to decimate the world population. Did they perhaps secretly decided to decimate only the rich?
The simplicity evans and clarke in its informality, honesty and innocence does not reject the structures or dissolve, which are essential to ensure the controlled operation of the life of an institution and an ordered evans and clarke community and to protect themselves from anarchy and subsequent despotism and tyranny.
. T he St. Francis did not conduct interviews with Muslims and non-believers, but defended the Catholic faith as the only way of salvation and as the sole source of Christ's evans and clarke peace. this peace in the heart, evans and clarke which shall be reflected in the world to relieve evans and clarke the pain and dampen the dramas caused by the inevitable presence of the wicked in the world. The core of our faith in Christ is the Eucharist and Holy. Mass with the C re uzesopfer Christ, with whom he might redeem us all.
Why because prevented Card. Bergoglio as primate of Argentina evans and clarke always the Tridentine Mass in his diocese, although Benedict XVI. was released and canceled the Episcopal licensing requirement? And why is Benedict XVI. never intervened in the bishops who followed his orders with feet?
On the night of his election as Pope, Francis turned not before, but merely as "Bishop of Rome", evans and clarke according to the new doctrine of episcopal collegiality. Is it perhaps reason that the papacy is seen as an obstacle to introduce the Masonic ecumenism evans and clarke and the episcopal collegiality to replace the power of the papacy, in line with the doctrine of "Masonic fraternity"?
The Jesuit priest evans and clarke Bartolomeo concern confirmed the election of Francis: "We Jesuits may not be prelates even bishops, yes, we place a vow to reject any ecclesiastical office dignity. evans and clarke Consequently, it was therefore anticipate the less that a Jesuit Pope. "Why confirmed Father worry that Francis" a pope that have become Jesuit ", while Francis himself as" just imagine Bishop of Rome "?
Hans Küng said the election of Francis: "I am happy, this is the best possible evans and clarke choice. He knows and loves the simple, humble, real life and is outside of the Roman system of the Curia ". Why so much joy and enthusiasm on the part of a heretic, who denies any Catholic dogma basically and is pleased evans and clarke about the fact that Francis evans and clarke "outside the Roman Curia is the system"?
De r father of "liberation theology," the Franciscan Father Leonardo Boff expressed,

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