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Department of white mushrooms weighing 1.89 kg will be auctioned in New York tomorrow, the price may be higher than expected starting point is $ 50,000. Sotheby's belfast auctions auction house said it had a larger size almost doubled compared with the Department of white mushrooms sold in 2010 for $ 427,200. White truffles belfast auctions (truffle) is a fungus belfast auctions found only in certain areas of Italy, from October to December each year. It grows in forests and often "hunted" by specially trained dogs or professional hunter. belfast auctions According to Reuters, Italian white truffle is one of the dishes "coveted" and the most expensive in the world. belfast auctions French gourmet Brillat-Savarin belfast auctions 18th century once described as "the diamond belfast auctions of the kitchen". Department of giant white mushrooms are fungi Sabatino Truffles supplier discovered last week. They said it would donate the proceeds from the auction for charity. According to Science
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