Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Thanks for your replies! Thus it seems not easy to do any action at outlet that resolves the perman

I have an archtop maison guitar with active pickups. I have discovered that it emits a faint hum noise when plugged in. If I put the finger on the connection part where the power cord is connected disappears hum. I'm no electric fan but guessing that connection jack needs to be grounded or isolated in some way. Does anyone know if you can do some simple measure yourself to improve this? Back to top
Hi I have a similar "hum" problem on my acoustic guitar with piezo pickup system. The way that helped me get rid of the hum was to connect my own body to the guitar's ground / shield. I took an ESD grounding strap and attached to the screen on guitar cable. It's the same thing that happens when you hang the electric guitar's neck, and it hums when you do not take on the strings and it stops growling when touched the strings. I think it is because the human body that is electrically conductive (contains dealer auto auction salt water) acts as an antenna for magnetic fields which then radiates towards the guitar. When you then soils body by taking on the grounded strings so soils to the body / antenna. Please try themselves by adding electric guitar on a chair and listen dealer auto auction to if not the hum of the amplifier increases or decreases when you reduce or increase the distance to the guitar. NOTE! The amplifier must be connected to an outlet with protective earth to the body should be grounded through gitarrkabelns shield / ground and the amplifier ground. / Kalle
Thanks for your replies! Thus it seems not easy to do any action at outlet that resolves the permanent and becomes invisible .. may perhaps acquire one of those bracelets and use in recording, dealer auto auction or micka up asshole with an external mic. Back to top
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