40 years after the "ghost" of the Polytechnic uprising still hovers over the ruling the block auction class! Not only because slogans like "Bread - Education - Freedom" or "O people revolution - Death to fascism" keep intact their timeliness, but because they proved both from above, and to us, that when we, the youth and employees take matters into our own hands, through General Assemblies, with sharpened forms of struggle the block auction and subversive political content the block auction we can reverse and the deepest darkness. The slogan EAM-ELAS-University came out at that time encapsulates the best way actually is the power to bring up below!
At present we can not fight for very different things. the block auction The ND-PASOK government with the involvement and cooperation of the IMF and the European Union is trying by all means to rescue bankers, businessmen, multinationals the block auction from an economic crisis and recession that has endless. And insist the government officials and mnimoniaka parrots in the media, the reality is that "light in the tunnel" does not appear anywhere and any new measures are inevitable. First troika admits that it will take additional measures and is known to all that despite boasting about "primary surplus" the block auction there is a huge funding gap "somewhat" to be covered. And they have made it very clear who will pay the "broken": the youth and workers, the vast majority of people.
The capitalists are not willing to make any retreat in front of the bankruptcy, the block auction so the ones who have to pay for the maintenance of euros to recapitalize banks and salvation, the profits of the bosses, new-business public goods, and Universities environment we, with constant cuts in wages and pensions, with elimination and containment of public and free education, health, social security, with sellout of public wealth and environment (eg ATE or dark), with elimination of our labor rights ( eg abolition of collective the block auction labor agreements) and providing facilities to employers to dismiss, to cut wages and terrifies undisturbed workers. Now talking about more layoffs and privatization-sellout for removing plisteiriasmon first home (!) For greater foroepidromi and additional cuts in all areas! Nobody should believe what they say to embellish the situation: for example, the minister redundancies Mitsotakis the block auction in a recent interview in Belgian newspaper made clear that layoffs the block auction are coming (and not "mobility" or "availability" as trying to present to us ).
The university does not escape the block auction from the attack: we already see the student care repealed the continuous underfunding that will intensify with the new budget will be passed, and many institutions leading to inability to function due to the redundancy the block auction of administrative or non-recruitment or remuneration several teachers. It is certain that the next time you try to bring new measures and to put into practice the block auction all the anti-education legislation the block auction and European guidelines (laws Yannakou Diamantopoulou-Arvanitopoulos plan Athena Treaty of Bologna), so try not only to make as becomes even more profit from goods such as education, but also to create the block auction new working shift that will be personalized without collective rights through specialization and degrees-kourelocharta will be subservient and accept without protest the wages of 300 and 400 euro or street the block auction unemployment.
At the same time, it becomes increasingly clear the conscience of the world that from above, as in the past-most notably the junta example-so now, they have no hesitation to show their true colors and fly it in the bin as concepts democracy and freedom, when they feel threatened to reverse the movement. The most recent example is the invasion of riot police as thieves dawn on ERT was under workers' control, while the Athens Court sends the illegal strike polyvdomadi administrative universities after treating Arvanitopoulos, the Minister for Education! And is not alone: a series of strikes the block auction are illegal and abusive, while workers at METRO, ship, educators the block auction have come to the mobilization not go on strike lasting and entrain them a movement that can overthrow them. Repression is enduring motif in the demonstrations with riot police to crash down into the wood find whoever front of them and flomonoun chemical protesters, while the
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