The day after The Big Issue In The North meets Olly Murs, runner-up on The X-Factor midstate auto auction in 2009, it is announced that Joe McElderry, the toothsome Geordie winner, has been dropped midstate auto auction by Syco, the record label run by Simon Cowell, a man who could fill a bath with the tears of individuals whose dreams he s shattered. It s a timely reminder that despite the unparalleled exposure indeed, 15 million viewers witnessed that year s final most of the show s contestants end up having worse career prospects than Karen Carpenter s nutritionist.
Undoubtedly, this highlights how extraordinary Murs s success is. Traditionally, solo male acts tend to flatline once the audience screams subdue, with the failure of past victors such as Steve Brookstein, Leon Jackson and Shayne Ward suggesting that a musical future post X-Factor is harder to sustain with a Y-chromosome. With a chart-topping debut single (last year s reggae-lite Please Don t Let Me Go) and number two self-titled album under his belt however, the 26-year old is apparently bucking the trend, and throwing his trilby into the ring as a serious contender.
To recap: Murs impressed the judges with his soulful rendition of Stevie Wonder s Superstition (prompting Cowell to declare: That was single-handedly the best audition I ve ever heard ) before charming the public with his idiosyncratic wiggly dad-at-a-disco dancing – which comedian Alan Carr memorably compared to shaking a turd down your trouser leg – tourniquet-tight midstate auto auction slacks, and cocky Essex charisma.
Oh, for some of that much-vaunted charisma today! midstate auto auction Although friendly enough, this morning Murs seems to have undergone a metamorphosis from cheeky, anything-goes boy-next-door and somebody once feted as the future Robbie Williams to a record company cypher so heroically media trained, it s frequently as if a predictive text feature has been installed into his mouth.
Alas, he is not to employ one of his favourite sayings giving it 110 percent. Perhaps it s a consequence of artists having to become more business-savvy, but when he isn t relying on positive platitudes, he talks about pop music in language usually reserved for middle-management midstate auto auction suits armed with flipcharts. Asked, for example, what has been the most surreal experience of his 20-month journey , he responds: I wouldn t say it was weird, but the best thing I ve done is a Nintendo DS advert. It was fantastic to be associated with such a universally-recognised brand. Strewth.
I don t believe in the whole first, second, third, forth place in The X-Factor , he disclaims. midstate auto auction If you give it 110 per cent, then you can achieve anything. It all comes down to work ethic and finding the right song that suits you as an artist midstate auto auction
Considering the myriad cautionary tales that have emerged midstate auto auction from the program (Leon Jackson notably branded his poisoned midstate auto auction chalice 2007 win a curse ), did he ever worry that his credibility could be irrevocably damaged if things hadn t worked out? Not really, he replies. It never crossed my mind for a moment. At the end of the day, The X-Factor midstate auto auction is an amazing platform. You have to win over credibility. Look at someone like Will Young, who was from Pop Idol , but earned respect. Regardless of being credible or not, if your songs are good, then people will go out and buy them. That s the most important thing.
Growing midstate auto auction up in Witham, where he still lives with his parents ( Although I m planning to move out. I m viewing houses at the weekend ), Murs sought to follow in the boot-steps of his uncle, John Pollard, who played football professionally for Colchester United. After a knee injury curtailed his fledgling midstate auto auction career as a semi-pro, he worked for three years in a call centre. At weekends, he would belt out karaoke hits in his local pub.
I always knew that I was a born entertainer, just not necessarily a singer, he remembers. Following two rebuffs from The X-Factor (before he was eventually accepted the third time he applied), he toured the local toilet circuit as part of a duo called The Small-Town Blaggers. Mentored by Cowell in the over-25s category, his life transformed overnight. He says he is mobbed by fans everywhere he goes – that he sometimes feels like a packet of chips surrounded by seagulls.
Life is much harder now, he admits. Unfortunately people have cameras with them 24/7. Times change. Twenty years ago, I know there s certain things that Take That could get away with that I can t now. You can t get away from being on display. If you want to go out with your mates for a jolly-up midstate auto auction and get a bit tipsy like everybody does suddenly people are taking pictures of it. And they can sell them to the papers.
On hand to help him adjust to his newfound status, like a fame-based parole midstate auto auction officer, is Robbie Williams. The pair first met when they performed the erratic singer s single, midstate auto auction Angels, together during the X-Factor denouement. Critics noted the similarities betwe
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