Friday, February 21, 2014

One of the major problems on the Internet is that no one likes advertising. But almost the entire I

One of the major problems on the Internet is that no one likes advertising. But almost the entire Internet economy is driven by advertising revenue. Most innovation in large companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo! tubes way easier and better to send advertising banners internet users. One track, build databases of different people and groups and profiles to influence people more effectively. Any "like" on Facebook, all retweets, all the websites you visit, the people you have contact with, how long they visit each text and news story, what words you look up and so on are recorded accurately. What to buy, how much money, how it differs fowles auction from past purchasing behavior, recorded as carefully and over a very long time.
But no one really likes advertising so it has also emerged a market for tools that block advertising. Adblock Plus is one of the better known tools for Mozilla Firefox. The manufacturer EYEO was challenged recently by a number of German advertising agency for its "white list", ie different advertising publishers may appear despite Adblock Plus. The "ethical list" end up at after a large enough amount of money paid to EYEO - the amount determined by the auction business. I see a few different possible problems: Whitelist is portrayed as being a list of particular ethical advertising and is not blocked, but it is to stretch the definitions of ethics a lot to say that you become more ethical to give EYEO money. Consumer Legal, one can ask whether EYEO not mislead their customers (which admittedly gets free app) by marketing their product in a way that is not true. Auction Operations is questionable on antitrust grounds: one can be "ethical" fowles auction in eyeOS definition through an open and transparent process, or how trying EYEO ensure that all companies have the right to be "ethical" in the sense of "giving EYEO money"?
EYEO is a typical example of when various vertical agreements internet economy interferes with or prevents sensible competition, and where especially large players, both up-and downstream has an advantage fowles auction of eyeOS business model is otransparent and impenetrable. Horizontally there is unlikely to be any significant competition problems: it is quite easy to find other ad blocker if you want.
Earlier this week, it spread like wildfire to the Mozilla start adding advertisements in the tabs on Firefox. Of course it is an economic issue, and Opera went much the same way several fowles auction years ago. One should also keep in mind that Mozilla Corporation - the company that develops the Mozilla and owned by the Mozilla Foundation - get their money from large donors such as Google, which then control the business. I have long thought about the benefits of FirefoxOS: it is a tool the world needs smart phones, or is it a tool Google needs to avoid antitrust trials of its dominant position in Latin America and Africa. According to rumor, among other things, Brazil's competition authority opened fowles auction investigations against Google. [This is why the European Commission's handling of the Google case been very relevant., My note]
But the auction model is still questionable: the space among Mozilla tabs must be auctioned. I am not aware of studies on competition in the auction models, but if you look at the spectrum management for telephony, television and wireless broadband in the EU, it is obvious that the auctions seem to reward and strengthen the already dominant / existing partners in a market. Reasonably be expected thus heavy reliance on auctions in nätreklambranschen lead to a strengthening of the existing and dominant parties of the advertising market - bye new businesses, new models and small businesses, approximately.
WTF? Advertising on the tabs on Firefox? Should the advertising fowles auction shall also be personalized, ie, tracing, no matter what you set on telemetry to Mozilla? Does anyone know anything fowles auction about it? If so, it's time to find a new browser. respond
As you say so invested innovations in finding ways and means to lock in and minipulera users and thereby grab their money. How much does it cost igentligen to run an ad-free Internet? Now get the consumer to pay by product / service price anyway. But all the man-hours that is wasted. Could it be that a marginal increase in telecom fee would be sufficient to minimize / eliminate the advertising and creating a faster internet fowles auction with less hassles and thus large economic gain.
Many years ago, wondered one of Sweden's leading economists, fowles auction why not the internet and it improved the economy fowles auction as one could expect given the potential for rationalization. We then came to the conclusion fowles auction that it was probably due to constant interference in the systems in the form of hassles (technology, advertising, etc.) and a stream of unnecessary improvements (marginal utility) which fully easy access up potential. IT cost in enterprises is increasing faster than sales, etc..
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