Similarities and differences of theft in Russia and America | Voprosiki
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Once again, America was "criminal trial of the century" ended landing on Holiday time tertiary extras and complete indifference of the media. If not for the heroic perseverance of the cult journalist Matt Taibbi, one does not have paid attention to the case "United States v. Carollo, Goldberg and Grimm."
Matta publication will be released in the July issue paper Rolling Stone, however, would suggest that it does not produce the effect of a bombshell, because the U.S., and indeed - and the world - society has long been "discounted" all information related to criminal activities leading financial institutions .
But it was not always so! I remember ten years ago I was surprised to describe the criminal practice of public auctions in Russia, comparing it with American realities. Then I wrote that if in the overseas press unveiled at least one-tenth of Russian criminal revelations spikes government officials and, I may say, entrepreneurs, then spun furiously to the millstone of justice, many sinecures be cleansed, and the numerous "white collar" would decorate their the presence of prison bunks.
And what do we see today? In America opened not just private theft cases, and coordinated activities of entire cartels involving government officials and most famous banks in the country. Damage estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars, and the victims are not acting single entities or individuals, but, as in the case of Carollo & Co., "almost all states, the districts and the United States" (quoted from the court opinion)!
Just think about these facts: the largest banks in the country - GE Capital, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, UBS, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, car auctions brisbane Wachovia (and this is just the tip of the iceberg!) - For over ten years, regularly, systematically and efficiently robbed schools, hospitals, libraries, the hospital, utilities, cities and states! Robbed in vile conspiracy among themselves, speaking with one voice against the population of their own country. Robbed would continue, if not random illumination handful of extras, who apparently felt complete impunity, began to be spoken openly in telephone conversations, even knowing that the lines are tapped!
And what does all of this happen? car auctions brisbane As I said, small fry glows received 5 years of his release, and banks - the main organizers and beneficiaries of thieves orgy - as always, paid off and escaped with slight shock. Say, two accomplices in the crime - JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America - State paid a fine of $ 365 million. We can only guess how much was actually stolen, but this is not important. Most importantly - after the storm had passed and the investigation is completed, the banks, as if nothing had happened continued (with the filing of the state!) Choose car auctions brisbane the lion's share of the municipal bond market, having mastered in 2011, $ 35 billion car auctions brisbane of debt each issue!
It turns out: stole, grabbed his hand, bought off and immediately received carte blanche from thee also robbed the continuation of theft! What exactly is happening car auctions brisbane with the world? I think I found the answer to this very important question. But before his voice, offer little insight into the details of the terrible financial scandal America doomed to obscurity car auctions brisbane and oblivion.
Thieves plot case Dominic Carollo, Steven Goldberg and Peter Grimm tied to one of the most profitable areas of financial life of America car auctions brisbane - municipal bonds. Government entities - states, counties and cities, car auctions brisbane as well as subordinate governmental organizations - schools, utilities, etc. - constantly feel the need to finance their ongoing projects. For the construction of new academic buildings, dormitories, roads, stadiums, water intake stations, sewage treatment plants and requires money, and the main source of financing are traditionally the debt - bonds. Paper, these vary by type, maturity and coupon, car auctions brisbane but for convenience combined in one term - "municipal debt." State government car auctions brisbane and its subordinate structures that borrow money, known as "issuers".
Municipal debt market in the U.S. is enormous. For example, in 2001 and 2008 in the U.S. was issued more than $ 800 billion, while total public issue of 3.7 billion dollars (for comparison: the annual national product of Russia in 2011 amounted to 1.79 trillion dollars - more than twice less than U.S.
Home Search Submit Questions on topics Cots. Network Auto-Moto Apocalypse Foreign Policy Domestic Issues of religion in life Foreign History Online Movie Conspirology Media Medicine Music International affairs Weapons Policy Crime Nature Sports Technology car auctions brisbane Sex Comedy
Once again, America was "criminal trial of the century" ended landing on Holiday time tertiary extras and complete indifference of the media. If not for the heroic perseverance of the cult journalist Matt Taibbi, one does not have paid attention to the case "United States v. Carollo, Goldberg and Grimm."
Matta publication will be released in the July issue paper Rolling Stone, however, would suggest that it does not produce the effect of a bombshell, because the U.S., and indeed - and the world - society has long been "discounted" all information related to criminal activities leading financial institutions .
But it was not always so! I remember ten years ago I was surprised to describe the criminal practice of public auctions in Russia, comparing it with American realities. Then I wrote that if in the overseas press unveiled at least one-tenth of Russian criminal revelations spikes government officials and, I may say, entrepreneurs, then spun furiously to the millstone of justice, many sinecures be cleansed, and the numerous "white collar" would decorate their the presence of prison bunks.
And what do we see today? In America opened not just private theft cases, and coordinated activities of entire cartels involving government officials and most famous banks in the country. Damage estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars, and the victims are not acting single entities or individuals, but, as in the case of Carollo & Co., "almost all states, the districts and the United States" (quoted from the court opinion)!
Just think about these facts: the largest banks in the country - GE Capital, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, UBS, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, car auctions brisbane Wachovia (and this is just the tip of the iceberg!) - For over ten years, regularly, systematically and efficiently robbed schools, hospitals, libraries, the hospital, utilities, cities and states! Robbed in vile conspiracy among themselves, speaking with one voice against the population of their own country. Robbed would continue, if not random illumination handful of extras, who apparently felt complete impunity, began to be spoken openly in telephone conversations, even knowing that the lines are tapped!
And what does all of this happen? car auctions brisbane As I said, small fry glows received 5 years of his release, and banks - the main organizers and beneficiaries of thieves orgy - as always, paid off and escaped with slight shock. Say, two accomplices in the crime - JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America - State paid a fine of $ 365 million. We can only guess how much was actually stolen, but this is not important. Most importantly - after the storm had passed and the investigation is completed, the banks, as if nothing had happened continued (with the filing of the state!) Choose car auctions brisbane the lion's share of the municipal bond market, having mastered in 2011, $ 35 billion car auctions brisbane of debt each issue!
It turns out: stole, grabbed his hand, bought off and immediately received carte blanche from thee also robbed the continuation of theft! What exactly is happening car auctions brisbane with the world? I think I found the answer to this very important question. But before his voice, offer little insight into the details of the terrible financial scandal America doomed to obscurity car auctions brisbane and oblivion.
Thieves plot case Dominic Carollo, Steven Goldberg and Peter Grimm tied to one of the most profitable areas of financial life of America car auctions brisbane - municipal bonds. Government entities - states, counties and cities, car auctions brisbane as well as subordinate governmental organizations - schools, utilities, etc. - constantly feel the need to finance their ongoing projects. For the construction of new academic buildings, dormitories, roads, stadiums, water intake stations, sewage treatment plants and requires money, and the main source of financing are traditionally the debt - bonds. Paper, these vary by type, maturity and coupon, car auctions brisbane but for convenience combined in one term - "municipal debt." State government car auctions brisbane and its subordinate structures that borrow money, known as "issuers".
Municipal debt market in the U.S. is enormous. For example, in 2001 and 2008 in the U.S. was issued more than $ 800 billion, while total public issue of 3.7 billion dollars (for comparison: the annual national product of Russia in 2011 amounted to 1.79 trillion dollars - more than twice less than U.S.
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