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Regional Directorate of Roads and Bridges (DRDP) Arcons surplus auto Brasov Cluj accuses society group that intentionally blocked the contract award procedure for the maintenance of national roads in the counties of Cluj, Bistrita, Bihor, Alba, Satu Mare, Maramures and Salaj. According to representatives DRDP, Arcons company only wants to delay the auction in Cluj until you get the response from the Regional Roads Braşov also hunt a works contract.
The tender for the award of "multi Maintenance Summer - Winter 2008 - 2011 ', valued at over one billion lei, targeting 2,182 kilometers of national road in the seven counties administered by DRDP Cluj, is again blocked.
"There are companies who register at auction to one of the regionals in the country, and until you get an answer there are steps to block other auctions in the country, as has happened to us to postpone it and return later with an offer where they will need, "said Cataniciu.
In Cluj, on awarding the tender for the maintenance of national roads would have to take place on August 11 and Brasov Arcons group was eager to purchase the documentation for participation only four days before the deadline where they could submit bids.
"And their willingness to participate in lictaţie for the maintenance of a single batch of the road, one at Alba. And we wanted to help and facilitate early access to tender documentation, because we worried that they will not have time to put up the offer. And the next day we woke up we absolutely puerile disputes documentation reasons, "said deputy director of DRDP Cluj.
One of the reasons given by Arcons, according to information confirmed by the Service Director of the DRDP Cluj procurement refers to the obligation to hold excavators and asphalt plants. "The appeal said that it restricted by the fact that we require excavators and specialized. But how else will repair roads, what else should we be asking? "Wondered DRDP representative.
He explained that the specifications asked companies to be equipped with at least equipment, and DRDP available, so help from these companies in software maintenance and repair of roads to justify. "If you have not used that agreement surplus auto to end them? It is clear that Arcons not want than to obstruct the proceedings. In fact, I know they have entered the auction Directorate of Roads in Brasov and, most likely, if they lose there contract, they wanted to have a chance here in Cluj, to obtain a contract yet works. And so we have delayed us another 30 days.
Because although it turns out that we are right and that our documentation is okay, the National Council for Solving Complaints obliged to answer Arcons society, and all the while we remain stuck, "said Marius Cataniciu.
There is a proof that deliberately blocked Arcons auction DRDP Cluj, says Cataniciu. "Representatives of the company have obtained the tender surplus auto documents on August 8, instead of their complaint was dated August 7.
Basically received documentation from 8.00 and 9.30 had registered the complaint. I do not even have time to consult documentraţia but filed complaint, who was dated and a day ago ", said the deputy director of DRDP Cluj. He threatened that, whatever happens, the situation can not continue.
"We talked to our lawyers, and as soon as we receive surplus auto a favorable response from the National Council for Solving Complaints (CNSC) to sue Arcons society," said Marius Cataniciu.
Cluj DAY contacted Arcons Brasov Group company to find the reasons for which the auction block DRDP Cluj, but CEO Lucian Country, did not want to give any answer. "I sent the director what you told me, but did not want to comment in any way. As for me, I know nothing about the auction of Cluj ", said assistant director, Corina S & needles
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