Monday, November 10, 2014

There are still tickets available at R80 pp at High McLachlan and not pre-sold, the night of the pe

Sunday, October 26th, 2014 Prayer and Thanksgiving Prayer Circle: We want to be a church that is the will of God and ask Him to live near. We want to care for one another. Prayer Theme: smart auction God is available to you (Joshua 1: 5-9) Mervin Strydom: 042-274 2471 / 042-273 1313 Else Kritzinger: 084 584 4482 Prayer is requested for the sick in our community and especially for Bernard Meyer
Women Service Management 2015 Chairperson: Riana Martinson Help chairperson, Elize Oosthuizen Under chairman: Ina Gerber Help-U / chairperson: Johanna Strydom Treasurer: Erna van der Merwe Help treasurer: honourd Gresse Secretary: smart auction Tania vd Merwe Help secretary: Anna-Marie Struwig Thank you to the congregation for their faithful support. smart auction Please accept the new management smart auction with open arms and supported us with projects. We like to serve with love and grace and abundant blessing of the Good Lord.
Fixing Teacher - 2 November 2014 You are cordially invited to the confirmation service Dr. Andre Oosthuizen on November smart auction 2 to attend. The confirmation is handled by the Rev. Kobus Bohnen on behalf of the Presbytery of Humansdorp and the message brought by the Rev. Andre Oosthuizen (son of Rev. Andre and Elize) of Universitas Church. The features of the service is that of gratitude, humility and prayer with strong sacramental symbolism and is complemented by beautiful organ music and choir singing.
Please note the following: For the organist started 9:00 with a performance of organ music. You are cordially invited and encouraged to attend. A printed program will be the deacons at the door handed out.
The service starts at 09:30, but you are encouraged, if possible, as early as 9:15 in places you take. After the service, Reverend. Andre Oosthuizen and Elize at the main entrance will be available for congratulation.
Joseph-Performance - October 25 at 19:00, the last performance was excellent, and there is decided as part of the annual Bloeiselfees another show to host on Saturday, October 25th at 19.00 in the Church Hall.
There are still tickets available at R80 pp at High McLachlan and not pre-sold, the night of the performance at the door selling. The proceeds go to HS McLachlan. Book Now! The time becomes short
Bloeiselfees worshiping Welcome to the Bloeiselfees worship service this morning at 09:30 at the NG Church building. During the service will Lizette J van Rensburg smart auction as guest artist. Tea and refreshments will be held after the Festival Service on the doorstep served.
Woman Woman General Service Meeting Services Meeting will be held this morning at the church service. All women are like invited to the meeting. 2015's management must be elected and would like ages represent the view of management. We pray God's blessing on our meeting.
Birthday Wishes Warmest congratulations to: Tuesday, October 21 Gert Vosloo (House Formosa) smart auction Wednesday, October 22 Elna (Koos) Olivier (Joubertina) Thursday, October 23 Trien Kritzinger (Pomona) Saturday, October 25th Luna Kuhn (House Formosa)
Confirmation of Dr. André Oosthuizen Confirmation of Dr Oosthuizen takes place on Sunday, 2 November 2014 during the morning service. Then there is a free meal for the congregation in the church hall. The Church Council and Women's Services invites the entire congregation cordially invited to Dr Oosthuizen's confirmation came four. Everyone is invited to join the church office or by their elders to confirm before 23 October or they will be attending the dinner. The Women's Employment numbers needed to prepare the meal.
CHRISTMAS MARKET FOR NOVEMBER 2014 Following the huge success of last year, there is again interest a Christmas Market for the community. The idea is to find interesting Christmas presents, smart auction which is attractively packaged, to the community to buy to offer. Each exhibitor will be his / her own expense and return work, with a small percentage to the Women Service Joubertina will go for the various projects that they support. smart auction
Cakes and bottled products is always welcome, but there is a great need for sewing and embroidery, all kinds of crafts, toys, woodworking, painting and other art items, Christmas cards, jewelery, Christmas decorations, soap and candles, paraphernalia for use in the kitchen, glass and ceramics, children's art, pretty flowers and other plants etc. in the horizon seems limitless and you are encouraged smart auction to think creatively and produce! Any article of good quality and value will be most welcome and should produce enough for the four days that the market will last. The Christmas Market in the Youth Hall just behind the hall offered at 21, 22, 24 and 25 November. You are reminded smart auction that the Christmas Carols on Sunday, November 30th at 19:00 in the church will take place.
We are urgently looking for interested people who want to produce. We want you and everyone's support. Even

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