On 13 September, the International m bca Astronomical Union issued a circular in which it was reported the adoption of the name of the trans-Neptunian object 2003 UB313 until now nicknamed Xena. According to the note, the above candidate tenth planet renamed (136199) Eris and its moon, Dysnomia.
"Following a near unanimous agreement of the Committee on Small Bodies Nomenclature and the Working Group for Planetary System m bca Nomenclature (at the discovery team), the IAU Executive Committee recently approved m bca the names Eris (136199) and Dysnomia for your TV (136199) Eris I [formerly S/2005 (2003 UB_313) 1; cf. IAUC 8610]. "
Artist's impression of Eris and its moon Dysnomia by Robert Hurt (IPAC) and Wikipedia reflect the official name of the dwarf planet Eris. Also has information about the Greco-Roman goddess Eris' or Eris Eris is the Greek goddess of discord, calling in Roman mythology Discordia. His opposite was in Greek mythology and Roman Harmony, Concordia. " "For its part, Eris (Discord) bore the painful fucking Ponos (Pena), to Lethe (Oblivion) and Limos (Famine) and tearful Algos (pain), also the Fights (Hysminai) Battles (Malchai) the Matanzas (Phonoi) Massacres (Androctasiai), the hatreds (Neikea) Lies (Pseudea), the Ambiguities (Amphillogiai) Dysnomia (Disorder) and Ate (Ruin and Folly), all peers inseparable, Horcos (Oath), which causes more problems for men of the earth whenever any perjured himself voluntarily ". Given the controversy that led to his discovery of the planetary status of Pluto and the definition of a planet, seems to me a rather ironic choice.
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