Ø (HUMAN RIGHTS) 25/07/2012 Vice President car action Garzón calls "intercultural social dialogue" to resolve the crisis in Cauca: Source: El Heraldo.
Ø (ARMED CONFLICT) 26/07/2012 Reveal video that encourages indigenous Piedad Córdoba of Cauca to press out of the Army: Source: El Heraldo.
Ø (ARMED CONFLICT) 27/07/2012 Piedad Córdoba has no right to seek eviction of the police: Police: Source: car action El Universal Cartagena.
Ø (ARMED CONFLICT) 29/07/2012 No controversy ceases video Piedad Córdoba against military bases: http://m.eltiempo.com/politica/no-cesa-polmica-por-el-video-de-piedad -crdoba/12076861 Source: El Tiempo.
Ø (ARMED CONFLICT) 30/07/2012 The only alleged crime of Piedad Córdoba: http://www.eluniversal.com.co/cartagena/editorial/el-unico-presunto-delito-de-piedad-cordoba Source: The Universal Cartagena.
Ø (LAND RESTITUTION) 26/07/2012 Go back and plays Sor Teresa Gomez, now in the army antirrestitución: Source: El Heraldo.
Ø (ARMED CONFLICT) 30/07/2012 "Advancing these years security has been very important" Santos: Source: El Espectador.
Ø (ARMED CONFLICT) car action 30/07/2012 'Armed conflict affects car action 4.6% of the population': Minister car action of Defense: Source: El Tiempo.
Ø (ARMED CONFLICT) 01/08/2012 Indigenous ready to march from Cauca Bogotá: Source: El Espectador.
Ø (DISPLACEMENT) 03/08/2012 Uribe Army proposes to buy six acres Indians: Source: El Espectador.
Ø (LAND RESTITUTION) 03/08/2012 "No Antirestitución Army is forming, they are there": Piedad Córdoba: Source: El Heraldo.
Ø (ARMED CONFLICT) 08/08/2012 Santos insists that security goes well: Source: El Colombiano. car action
Ø (ARMED CONFLICT) 09/08/2012 UN suggested car action to consult indigenous military before sending their territories: Source: The Spectator
Ø (PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT) 10/08/2012 "demobilized deserve opportunities": director of the ACR: Source: El Universal Cartagena.
Ø (DISPLACEMENT) 13/08/2012 Zenúes Indigenous car action struggle for a home in Cartagena: Source: El Universal.
Ø (ARMED CONFLICT) 13/08/2012 car action Indigenous refreezing talks with the Government in the Cauca Source: El Universal.
Ø (HUMAN RIGHTS) 09/08/2012 'Paras' were the main aggressors defenders DD.HH: Source: Open Truth.
Ø (HUMAN RIGHTS) 14/08/2012 Mockus offered to mediate between the government and indigenous of Cauca: Source: car action El Espectador.
Ø (ARMED CONFLICT) 14/08/2012 Evidence of links between car action the AUC and the La Popa Battalion: Source: Open Truth.
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