Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Floki: sry, but if you go all the way and you have no money aside for unforeseen events .. so I was

Within about a week I got the third request to cancel 643 a bid in the auction. 643 Once it was: Hi, I found that I can buy the game elsewhere 643 and for less money. So I ordered it there. Please cancel the bid. More: After XY threw me, I got the game elsewhere. Please cancel the bid further: For serious reasons, now I can not buy the game. bla bla bla. You will receive this normal?
gah .. Why must all cheat? : D otherwise, and I have been there ... because nepísal has invaded even the possibility that someone would those 210Kč still draped ... that would be in this case, the auction is postponed for another day ... but I already nepísal because it was about the complicated programming. But otherwise you're right - we are one community with the same interests 643 and it is sad that, even so, the people have a taste rob ...
Your solution seems to me, would facilitate fraud on the demand side: B and C would be the same buyer, the price would quickly fired to a height where it would compete with anybody, 643 and then appealed by C (of course with the reasoning of poriadnym srdcervúcim) .. . mute that or the buyer or seller can create x identity, but it would be worth it? People, we sell and buy board games, let's standards and ethics!
It occurred to me one solution - how to get rid Bidding at their own game ... It shall give an example: 643 200kč A. B. C. 210Kč 220Kč B. 230Kè C. 240Kč. B. 250Kè C. 260Kč. C - Win auction but request the cancellation 643 of bids. Price, for which the user should have a B game would not be available 250Kè, but 210Kč! Even if there prihadzoval D - for example 235Kč and then by B. had the right to play for 250 CZK. But I repeat - had a right - not an obligation.
It does not give me something here nepřihodit :-) If I'm the second one, so do not buy it as my duty to honor the commitment login status, since I did not win the auction. The moment I see that I was thrown and I do not want to raise, 643 so I stop caring about the auction and I do not think I should be required to meet the obligation. I do not take my problem as the winner did not respond, or applied to cancel the bid (which can happen). Of course I'll be in 95% of cases like that I won, but on the other hand, you may just not interested ZeuZ (get elsewhere, to care for throwing ...). That's my opinion :-)
In addition, the net mobile has any, and so are the other under no obligation nezanmená me - I did not win, you'll get it elsewhere and I will not wait 14 days, if someone writes that the winner threw Boban. That does not react is another matter - at least if he wrote that the thing he is not interested and you would know how you're doing. I agree with that!
Floki: sry, but if you go all the way and you have no money aside for unforeseen events .. so I was around a lot of games reserved. This personally do not understand. Now I deal with that person who won the auction (the second in the ranking, the highest bid'm disturbed ...) is not heard. How long should I wait? Internet has in every cell phone, so again ... wtf? On Sunday, I'll play again in the auction .. with the risk that the logs that question - sort of Mammut.
You're not, it's just I've oven :) I wanted to say that when naprikald current price is 800 and I'll throw in 1000, then I think that I overreacted and 1000 is well over a'm actually willing 643 to pay me no one overbids, so back away from the auction ... Perhaps todle pochopitelnejsi.Pardon, I slept for today :) about 2 hours
Cancel bids I dislike the reason that, in my vulnerable to abuse and how to find someone already wrote for vycuranky that awaits if they will buy the game for the price of their ideas, but once you exceed the limit, put their hands pryc.Do auction everyone should not go with the fact that the price will increase. Libi to me because I unfortunately had personal sam from kusenost, yesterday when we mailed fist and the age and by 1000 I missed, so I was forced to ask for a cancellation of bids. I would like to apologize saiwerovi.Neslo on the scheduled withdrawal and I'm sorry I had to use it, but again as someone already wrote, I'd better let you know a decision to withdraw the bid, before then making a buck and sellers auction completely mess up .. . 2x a lot seems like a good idea, because I do not want too much to believe that I've experienced man 2 Emergencies very moment when Drazi a game ...
So after today, I had also the limitations of this service ... I can think of solutions such as the impossibility to cancel the bid 48 hours before the planned completion of the auction. This would partly fallen off worry of species in the bid have acquired new solutions and dismutase game wants.
the possibility of interference canceling bids. Even if you bid responsibly promyslíš and unpleasant circumstances may arise that will force it to download. I also against the policy for an immediate ban canceled one - as I say, just unexpected circumstances may arise ... Cancelling bids would, I think, but should appear in a second-hand 643 assessment of the user is not necessarily -1 - it could just be " neutral "comment - that would depend on the bidder. What I think is more serious is the refusal to sell auctioned games. Here it would, 643 I think, 643 was a more severe penalty spot. If you auction, so I should damn well

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