Monday, July 14, 2014

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The recovery in cooperation with the think-tank IDEA at CERGE-EI prepared a unique analysis of the use of electronic auctions saecomercial (e-auctions) in public procurement in the Czech Republic for the period 2007-2012. During this period, their number increased 36-fold, relative to the total number and volume of public saecomercial procurement are still marginally used. The original ambition of the government massively exploit saecomercial the potential of e-auctions have not been fulfilled, saecomercial and their greater support in sight. On the contrary, today the Senate saecomercial discusses the special scheme amendment to the Public Procurement Act, which proposes to abolish the obligation to use e-auctions for selected commodities. saecomercial
E-auctions represent by current information technology smart way to better stimulate the market mechanism in the competition for the contract suppliers and ensure greater saecomercial transparency in the evaluation of tenders. When their correct application against contracting authorities can bring financial savings and increase confidence in the fairness of the competition contestants. So it was no coincidence that the e-auction is to become one of the tools to increase the efficiency and transparency of competitions.
Based on our analysis, which was verified as e-auctions used in Czech public sector, we bring the following conclusions: e-auctions are used more and more frequently. Their meaning is not yet for the management of the public sector marginal. In 2012 their number amounted to 3.7%, and financial representation then 4% of the total number of contracts. most are used to purchase energy and medical equipment. the use of e-auctions generally increases the number of bids in the competition by 1.5 offers, but that does not always lead to a lower price. eg procurement of medical equipment using e-auctions reduce saecomercial the price by 10% compared to conventional selection procedure, while for contracts on energy use e-auction at a price not significantly affected.
"Our analysis showed an increasing trend in the use of e-auctions and their different impact when buying different commodities. It shows that e-auction can be a very useful tool that brings savings, but they must be used appropriately given the nature of the subject matter and the situation on the market, "says Jan Palguta of IDEA.
"Unfortunately, e-auctions as a tool for greater efficiency and transparency still stands on the periphery of interest of government procurement policy. saecomercial Despite the promises proclaimed government has not taken any systemic steps to greater support. In 2012, although it was mandatory use of e-auctions for certain commodities included in the amendment saecomercial to the custom of the Act, the Ministry for Regional Development saecomercial (MMR) but did not decree saecomercial that would be appropriate to prescribe a commodity, it yielded, "concludes Martin Kameník issue of revival, os
Just today, saecomercial the Senate is debating a technical amendment to the Act on Public Procurement under the statutory measure, which is quite exceptional procedure in cases which can not be delayed, which would otherwise saecomercial require adoption as law. The amendment is proposed to completely saecomercial omit the obligation used for the purchase of certain commodities, e-auction. Government or MMR, responsible for procurement policy, however, saecomercial have no alternative non-legislative solutions to encourage more use of e-auctions in practice.
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