Monday, July 21, 2014

The record-tuzemskch auction is Frantiek Drtikol, the most expensive bag in the dla R have been shi

Review: Plant hrlveavechno
Photos by Josef Sudek and Jaroslava Rsslera pekonaly in a New York auction estimate price. Together, they brought tm million. tidewater auto auction On the contrary, the record holder Frantiek Drtikol tentokrtzstal without zjemce. esk Photos General slav vt SPCH abroad not at home.
Aukn with Christie's tidewater auto auction in New York on Thursday vydraila photographs by Josef Sudek and Jaroslav Rössler for a total of $ 143,750 (takka 2.9 million dollars). In nabdce the IDL Frenchman Drtikol and Jaromra Funke, but not eligible for any new owner.
Photos eskch silences were concentrated private sbrk in jejm poped was dla pair americkch photographer Edward Weston and Alfred Stieglitz. The record-tvrten auction but became nameless photogram, called rayogram, from Man Ray. Vtzn zjemce for nj dog nabdnul $ 1,200,000 (takka 24 million dollars).
Prkopnk American avant-garde mezivlen snmek Shares without fotoapartu - the unexposed Photographi sunbeam poskldal objects ansledn is osvtil . Therefore, tidewater auto auction it is not a photo in the traditional sense. Pekonali estimates
Estimate the price Rössler photos snzvem the lighting and abstraction was $ 50,000 (million dollars), eventually sold for $ 62,500 tidewater auto auction (dog 1.2 million). Sudkv smash tal odbornci aukn sn estimate and $ 60,000 tidewater auto auction (1.2 million), for a photograph but the buyer nabdl go about $ 21,250 VCE (about 423,000 dollars), total and earned vpepotu dog CZK 1.6 million.
In nabdce was t Drtikolv act and $ 80,000 (1.6 million) and Funke photos Mute cylinders, with an estimated price of 150,000 and $ 250,000 (a pt million). For that, the airbag buyer nenael.
Photos eskch classic slip on zahraninch drabch stle vt SPCH, whereas et silences of Jinchi tidewater auto auction branches TV nejlpe prodvaj to domcch aukcch. In drabch nejvtch tuzemskch auknch dom with photos only nabzej ojedinle and between sbrateli on nen pli bulk from Jem. Just mlokdy but in aukcch nabz sbratelsky tidewater auto auction so valuable pieces. tidewater auto auction
The record-tuzemskch auction is Frantiek Drtikol, the most expensive bag in the dla R have been shipped tidewater auto auction around the webs for fourth million. Pito in New York six years before his vydrail snmek Snn wave for $ 312,000, then vpepotu as 6.5 million. For the home so neprodv
The most expensive in the country picture sold at auction Achieve leave Destek of thousands of crowns, vjimen hundreds tidewater auto auction of thousands, it is next to Drtikol ppad thee in the world t time znmho Josef Koudelka, Josef Sudek ppadn. JIT but Sudek snmky Achieve and milionovch prices.
That e prices are in tuzemskch aukcch in srovnn the zahranimnzko, the bottom interplay tidewater auto auction VCE factor of them nejdleitjm is neexistujc poptvka. Nen sbratel many who would have devoted our photo. ZNM a photographic sbrk group PPF, which t around tiscovky snmk Destek by the author. including the value of sbrk dog is ten million.
The veejnch institutions with photo desicion Umleckoprmyslov Museum, which m child 's of thousands of negatives tidewater auto auction and positives from esk meets a photograph including podstatnch st Drtikol and Sudek's work. Since 1962 m own photo sbrk Moravian Gallery in Brno. The dalch institutions maj RZN sbrk Photographers thee Nrodn Museum tidewater auto auction of Photography Jindichov Hradec ibval Prask dm photography, which is Today bites Gallery hlavnho town center.
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