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The council issued an enforcement notice calling on it to stop trading, but the private company, which is independent of the airport, has appealed the notice, allowing it to continue to operate until any hearing.
The firmstarted collecting customers cars from the airport and parking them on a disused plot off Coopers Way, despite having no planning permission, in June last year. It had used land off Progress Road from April.
David Norman , chairman of the cross-party group of councillors that turned down the application, said: The council was clear the area it has occupied was a zone for industrial and employment use, not a car park.
Showbiz news Zooey Deschanel fowlers turns designer fowlers Cox: I wish Arquette happiness Actor Roache fowlers denies sex offences Oliver shuts 3 Union Jacks outlets Travis: fowlers TOTP grope claims 'insane' J-Law and Hemsworth in strip club
This is just plain stupid. So many empty industrial units around Southend, it matters not that this one is being used for car parking, fowlers at least it is providing jobs and paying tax/ business rates etc. This is just plain stupid. So many empty industrial units around Southend, it matters not that this one is being used for car parking, at least it is providing jobs and paying tax/ business rates etc. j-w Score: -9 Like Dislike Report this post »
j-w wrote: This is just plain stupid. So many empty industrial units around Southend, it matters not that this one is being used for car parking, at least it is providing jobs and paying tax/ business rates etc. There is also clearly a need for its services, or it would be empty. [quote][p][bold]j-w[/bold] wrote: This is just plain stupid. So many empty industrial units around Southend, it matters not that this one is being used for car parking, at least it is providing jobs and paying fowlers tax/ business rates etc.[/p][/quote]There is also clearly a need for its services, or it would be empty. Ian P Score: -6 Like Dislike fowlers Report this post »
Hope the council fowlers use the Northern Island initiative and dump 5 tonnes of aggregates at the entrance and exits of this illegal car park Hope the council use the Northern Island initiative and dump 5 tonnes fowlers of aggregates fowlers at the entrance and exits of this illegal car park Nowthatsworthknowing Score: 9 Like Dislike Report this post » fowlers
This mob just need to send a few more trays of pies in as well as several morecrates of ale per week This mob just need to send a few more trays of pies in as well as several morecrates of ale per week Howard Cháse Score: 8 Like Dislike Report this post »
What stbart wants Stobart gets. Pity it is not bringing people into the town only taking them out. Its money into the town that is needed. Private enterprise should not be halted. What stbart wants Stobart gets. Pity it is not bringing people into the town only taking them out. Its money into the town that is needed. Private enterprise should not be halted. jolllyboy Score: 2 Like Dislike Report this post »
What a rubbish decision. The council refused a retrospective application for the car park this April as the plot is earmarked for industrial or employment use.... What about the JAAP, online at http://minutes.south end.gov.uk/akssouthe nd/images/att20244.p df which tells us all about the fantastic employment opportunities that will be created outside the airport. This seems to be a good one, and the councils reaction is to close it down. What a rubbish decision. The council refused a retrospective application for the car park this April as the plot is earmarked for industrial or employment use.... What about the JAAP, online at http://minutes.south end.gov.uk/akssouthe nd/images/att20244.p df which tells us all about the fantastic employment opportunities that will be created outside the airport. This seems to be a good one, and the councils reaction is to close it down. Nebs Score: 0 Like Dislike Report this post »
And fowlers possibly at the back of this and behind closed doors that's maybe what its all about. And possibly at the back of this and behind closed doors that's maybe what its all about. Broadwaywatch Score: 0 Like Dislike Report this post »
This is a sick joke, This firm is creating fowlers local jobs,paying rates and rent, and doing what Souhend council was trumpeting about "bringing extra work into the town, where as their partner Stobart fowlers has repaid the councils trust for giving them the airpqrt lease for just 1, by knocking them for the 162.000 rent which is almost a year late. two Southend councillors have stated Andrew Moring"it does not matter if the rents not paid,we will just charge interest"(what planet does he live on ? if you lived in a council hom
News Sport Leisure Local Info Events Announcements Competitions Contact Us Advertise Click2find Buy & Sell Dating Cars Homes Jobs Local News National Letters Topics fowlers Archive All stories published today
The council issued an enforcement notice calling on it to stop trading, but the private company, which is independent of the airport, has appealed the notice, allowing it to continue to operate until any hearing.
The firmstarted collecting customers cars from the airport and parking them on a disused plot off Coopers Way, despite having no planning permission, in June last year. It had used land off Progress Road from April.
David Norman , chairman of the cross-party group of councillors that turned down the application, said: The council was clear the area it has occupied was a zone for industrial and employment use, not a car park.
Showbiz news Zooey Deschanel fowlers turns designer fowlers Cox: I wish Arquette happiness Actor Roache fowlers denies sex offences Oliver shuts 3 Union Jacks outlets Travis: fowlers TOTP grope claims 'insane' J-Law and Hemsworth in strip club
This is just plain stupid. So many empty industrial units around Southend, it matters not that this one is being used for car parking, fowlers at least it is providing jobs and paying tax/ business rates etc. This is just plain stupid. So many empty industrial units around Southend, it matters not that this one is being used for car parking, at least it is providing jobs and paying tax/ business rates etc. j-w Score: -9 Like Dislike Report this post »
j-w wrote: This is just plain stupid. So many empty industrial units around Southend, it matters not that this one is being used for car parking, at least it is providing jobs and paying tax/ business rates etc. There is also clearly a need for its services, or it would be empty. [quote][p][bold]j-w[/bold] wrote: This is just plain stupid. So many empty industrial units around Southend, it matters not that this one is being used for car parking, at least it is providing jobs and paying fowlers tax/ business rates etc.[/p][/quote]There is also clearly a need for its services, or it would be empty. Ian P Score: -6 Like Dislike fowlers Report this post »
Hope the council fowlers use the Northern Island initiative and dump 5 tonnes of aggregates at the entrance and exits of this illegal car park Hope the council use the Northern Island initiative and dump 5 tonnes fowlers of aggregates fowlers at the entrance and exits of this illegal car park Nowthatsworthknowing Score: 9 Like Dislike Report this post » fowlers
This mob just need to send a few more trays of pies in as well as several morecrates of ale per week This mob just need to send a few more trays of pies in as well as several morecrates of ale per week Howard Cháse Score: 8 Like Dislike Report this post »
What stbart wants Stobart gets. Pity it is not bringing people into the town only taking them out. Its money into the town that is needed. Private enterprise should not be halted. What stbart wants Stobart gets. Pity it is not bringing people into the town only taking them out. Its money into the town that is needed. Private enterprise should not be halted. jolllyboy Score: 2 Like Dislike Report this post »
What a rubbish decision. The council refused a retrospective application for the car park this April as the plot is earmarked for industrial or employment use.... What about the JAAP, online at http://minutes.south end.gov.uk/akssouthe nd/images/att20244.p df which tells us all about the fantastic employment opportunities that will be created outside the airport. This seems to be a good one, and the councils reaction is to close it down. What a rubbish decision. The council refused a retrospective application for the car park this April as the plot is earmarked for industrial or employment use.... What about the JAAP, online at http://minutes.south end.gov.uk/akssouthe nd/images/att20244.p df which tells us all about the fantastic employment opportunities that will be created outside the airport. This seems to be a good one, and the councils reaction is to close it down. Nebs Score: 0 Like Dislike Report this post »
And fowlers possibly at the back of this and behind closed doors that's maybe what its all about. And possibly at the back of this and behind closed doors that's maybe what its all about. Broadwaywatch Score: 0 Like Dislike Report this post »
This is a sick joke, This firm is creating fowlers local jobs,paying rates and rent, and doing what Souhend council was trumpeting about "bringing extra work into the town, where as their partner Stobart fowlers has repaid the councils trust for giving them the airpqrt lease for just 1, by knocking them for the 162.000 rent which is almost a year late. two Southend councillors have stated Andrew Moring"it does not matter if the rents not paid,we will just charge interest"(what planet does he live on ? if you lived in a council hom
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