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What like? 07/08/2014 Industrial Electricians with DSB 07/08/2014 maintenance / technical assistance for equipment with fluorinated 08/07/2014 They need to Mecatrnico Auto Lisboa 08/07/2014 Responsible for Assembly Line Operator 08/07/2014 07/08/2014 Assembly Line Mechanics Rio Tinto 08/07/2014 Needed Operator Bituminous Central to Angola 08/07/2014 oportunity leiloes Technician Heavy - 08/07/2014 Alverca Technician of Mecatrnica Passenger / Commercial - Alverca 08/07/2014 Needed mechanic for heavy goods vehicles J THIS OFFER ON ACTIVE oportunity leiloes Torneiros EST mechanics Zone Setbal: Company: Duba Systems Ltd Type: Full Time Date: 02/01/2014 Category Zone Setubal conservation / maintenance / technique Ref # 1906306 See m ore The fertas The fertas receive via email Send to a Friend Offer Air Comm Prob motto / Complaint Share:
An ncio: Turner oportunity leiloes mechanics oportunity leiloes Zone Setbal: Requirements: - MNIMA experience 2-5 years as a turner (works with conventional lathe and milling); (Factor Eliminatrio) - Between 30-45 years; oportunity leiloes - Dinmico; - Maintained; - With availability; Clockwise: Day-17h-8h-Availability to perform overtime. Send CV: --- @ ---
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