Labels: Small and medium enterprise customers and market
We increasingly hear about auctions of energy, as well as other commodities. Participants have cut costs in the tens of percent. As is the case but in smaller firms or traders? They have the same chance as wholesale?
The principle of electronic auctions energy is completely opposite to that used by classical auction. For it wins the one who offers the highest price. When the auction wins the contrary, the energy supplier who is able to offer the lowest quote. car auction uk Auctions take place in a kind of on-line auction houses and individual vendors gradually reduce their bids. This can happen repeatedly. According car auction uk to the companies that provide car auction uk energy auction, the reduction in the price of one auction result and fifty. Most companies today are making the tender to supply energy in a classic way. Addresses suppliers and send you their offers by mail. Subsequently takes place between the customer and supplier negotiations. In this case, however, suppliers have a clear idea about the offer competing firms and the process is longer and usually reaches car auction uk the customer significant savings. With on-line auctions current winning prize supplier sees and can accordingly consider your options and go with his offer down. This is done completely without pressure from customers.
A final savings? Any company that deals with energy auctions, shows slightly different numbers. On average, but identical to 20-25%. car auction uk In some cases, were saved as 40%. It is always the individual and the result depends on the conditions set by the company, its size and other factors, says Jakub Makalouš the company eCENTRE. In general we can say that the larger companies the savings car auction uk are around 20% smaller customers, paradoxically, saving up to 10% more. The amount of savings are always car auction uk given the competing commodities, and not of the total price that customers pay for energy, supplements Francis Sadílek of the auction company A-TENDER. From a purely financial point of view, ie electronic auction worth all the energy. The customer, car auction uk however, must realize that in absolute terms it expects savings of tens of thousands of crowns when the actual payment amount to only a few tens of thousands. Small businesses car auction uk must form an alliance
For Suppliers must be attractive competition and the overall financial volume of electricity for example, should therefore extend at least 200,000 crowns a year. For this reason, energy auctions for one company much. To achieve this attractive car auction uk small business or self-employed, they must be grouped into so-called alliance. This consolidation is then achieved that several small customers in the auction becomes a big one and often more interesting than the one big company. In such a case, then the executor of the auction sponsor, ie a company that is on-line auction deals. Low offtake must agree to the implementer based on the outcome of the auction car auction uk chose the winner. The sponsor also set for retail trading conditions on the basis of the winning supplier of energy supply. Contracts are signed for two years. car auction uk In providing these services realizátorských auction companies charge a commission ranging from 3 to 25% of the amount saved. Some are paid up to 100 CZK / MWh, and this is reflected in the final price a customer. Forward car auction uk do not pay a commission, we charge only in case of success, unless car auction uk the customer actually saving money, says Paul Knapp of purchasing agencies.
The consolidation of retail customers are understandably car auction uk demanding auction company and is therefore not provide any. Some specialize exclusively on larger customers and the primary group are not large companies and organizations.
Terms of each of the different implementers auctions and should be a good read. For some companies follows the commitment signing car auction uk a new contract with the successful contractor when it will be possible to fulfill the purpose of the auction, thus saving. Others have a condition car auction uk that the signing of the contract shall take place only when the implementer of a guaranteed savings exceed the threshold, such as 11%. In the case of auctions for the company, the company has the choice car auction uk of the winning supplier. The lowest price is not necessarily automatically victorious. Customers but i still use the on-line auction mainly to obtain better prices, comments František Sadílek of A-TENDER and Paul Knapp of buying agency car auction uk adds: Client in selecting the winning supplier is left completely free. Only then is the point of view of our guaranteed car auction uk genuine independence from suppliers. Final negotiations with suppliers, based on the results of the auction, the client gets a list of all suppliers and all prices are in the hands of the customer.
Participate in the electronic auction to themselves and the customer takes risks and not everyone is aware of. It should be noted that the indicator of satisfaction can only be a lower price for the commodity. Price is not the only aspect of the services offered. Customer in a sense buying a pig in a poke. Change their existing and tested suppliers for new, which selects only by a single point of view, the prices offered at one particular moment.
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