We previously knew that electronic auctions are sometimes politely put misleading. They are organized by private companies that operate for profit. Tendered prices were often higher than ours. In addition, the customer was forced to sign an agreement with the conditions set for it may not always be convenient. Our company ENERGOCONTROL gives its customers always leil have a choice and the contract is the agreement of both parties.
"Recommendations for power electronic auctions 1) Applicants for an electronic auction Energy (Applicant) must realize that signing a contract with the organizer of e-auctions are at risk because they are committed to the future of signing a contract with a supplier who had not known in advance. Applicant and previously contacted the supplier knows, or their entire menu. supplier quality is almost always judged only by rates. supplier reliability, conduct of its representatives, sufficient human and technical infrastructure necessary to ensure all activities or services are not subject to the criteria for winning e-Auction. The organizers of e-auctions are not city or village, so in case of problems they help candidates find it. This applies even if the organizing company, you also do not provide service on the winning supplier. even state that they are not responsible for the quality of service and successful change supplier, ie that this obligation remains on the winning supplier. Issue: The applicant can not verify that contractors subscribes to the Code of Ethics merchant, or can not verify the references of existing customers. The Applicant does not know in advance so no price lists or general terms and conditions (GTC), let alone the wording of the contract itself. 2) The sanctions provided for in the contract (or in the GTC) organizers and suppliers are majority unilaterally designed only for applicants (prospective customer) and include all sorts of absurd items, often at the edge of morality. Recommendation: The Applicant should read the agreement, leil price list, price list (tariff) services and VOP, which before the commencement of e-auction is not possible, because leil those interested in competing supplier or the documents does not know. Without their knowledge, however, to the e-auction report did not, because the contract with the organizer of e-auction it for future signature committed. Low energy price does not guarantee that the offer will be beneficial overall. Other fees and penalties as a result leil reduce the bid price advantage. 3) Reduction of prices is not as crucial as it was in the first e-auctions. Energy prices is generally declining. Misleading is then compared to the annual price lists of e-auctions, as for example, prices for 2012 are generally higher than in 2013 - the "savings" would have occurred leil even without changing supplier. The supplier has an affect only the unregulated part of the price of energy (electricity about 45%, gas approximately 75% of the total), but is often cited saving calculation of the total price of energy as a percentage sounds better. leil Greater savings may see candidates who are preparing for the first change of supplier. Generally, however, can be traced even lower offers than those that come from e-auctions. "Read the www.eru.cz
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