Good op-ed about the recent events, some graffiti in "new" formations shocked the government and public opinion. Sure, nobody remembers privatization emptying service, the tragedies that occurred, etc.
After decades of destruction of trains, crime announced hundreds of small towns, incommunicado and ghostly; forced migration of over a million people by the severance of life that meant the privatization of the slaughter of Eleven and many other daily deaths from crumbling railways, the phrase sounded, at least, as an act of false and maladjusted courage. "We impound must kill them. Makes you want to kill them. " Irritated, tense, the minister impound directed his anger with pinpoint accuracy. The graffiti on trains are said work of "a moron who has little responsibility and do not know the effort it means for the nation state, that we are all Argentines, putting resources".
Away from the office of Florencio Randazzo, impound in a room of the Federal Court 2, Comodoro Py, a man named Roque Barrionuevo undressed sadness: "All I remember is seeing dead people, a guy asking for help to leave, a woman with injured hand and also that when I left I started walking without knowing where he was going, until I called friend and someone came to get me. " (Hearing May 26 trial for the slaughter of Once)
Each car -insistía minister by his side "worth $ 1,270,000. We must kill them. Makes you want to kill them. Because how can you say be as fanatics? ... But one has to be measured because it is a minor and you have to see what your conditions and start to try and justify this behavior. We have made the criminal complaint and we will take action against the parents. We will claim a compensation for the damage. (...) If it were my son will not say what it would do. I'll let you know how but fret. On moron. What country do we live? These things happen. Parents need to take charge. "
Earlier, much earlier, when it played a year of the slaughter of Once a man and a woman read from the stage: "the less important things will be rebuilt, but more visible, as if anyone noticed the maneuver. Cars celeste paint on a plate corroded by rust (...) We ordered the nationalization of the company, to safeguard jobs, and for this government to stop negotiating with directly responsible for 22 February. When will they stop being partners Cirigliano, which in this case is the same as saying accomplices? So whatever you do, announce it to announce, invest what to invest, never be able to erase the nine years of neglect. But above all they can not be forgotten or obscure to the 52 dead, which are like so many other victims of this government impound that should have worked to spare us the pain and did not want to. " (Paper on Slaughter Eleven, 2/22/2013)
Who would want to kill the minister? What does think though I have only one wish exabrupto- the death of a young man in a committed country, throughout its history, the systemic elimination of its most powerful sap?
And the logical conclusion would be: who destroys the trains will go to the gallows. Strange association of thought which would equate in responsibilities, objectives, benefits graffiti "minor", "lunatic", "moron" with Menem, Cirigliano, Jaime Pedraza, Cavallo, Taselli, Roggio, Romero, etc., etc., etc. and all the so necessary to include those who were silent, silenced, omitted, acted, impound dropped shoulders, bowed their heads, nodded, consented, drove. Although Randazzo or CFK or any successors or predecessors eager not resist files that have never said any of them "should be killed. Makes you want to kill them. "
From the first men in history, walls, caves, tree bark, walls were unreachable own stamp on it the Times. Graffiti (not delivering railways) are like reality "material and symbolic of the city" (García Canclini), giving identity and dress, leaving bare the feelings, the desire to create The cry of rebellion, desires to say "I'm here" and feel like hobos mythical from a 1920 ordinance Crotto is possible to break with established structures and ride like the wind up of a train an eternal wandering back and forth across the roads, ever become like an eternal dream to walk the entire geography impound of the country.
Graffiti on the new trains pr
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