Saturday, August 16, 2014

The ideas and practices that constitute the New Age are difficult to enumerate, as the New Age has

When I was a teenager my mother belonged to the group of "Mind control silva" and did not understand how harmful and diabolical car auction online that, long after Christian. Now I present a paper that talks about the new era, this is responsible car auction online for this movement there is satanic, so if someone needs to study on this, as I am available.
The ideas and practices that constitute the New Age are difficult to enumerate, as the New Age has a definite identity, but many facades; variables car auction online and confusing facades. It seems not be a united, organized, structured movement. It is presented as a series of ideas, beliefs, practices apparently isolated and unconnected, with no end ... organization car auction online and defined simply as a fad. It also has a really amazing capacity car auction online and mutation varies widely: it has been emerging at every turn with new things, new ideas, old ideas, or converted into new ones.
The New Age is a pseudo-spiritual movement of esoteric car auction online and occult, pagan court, including error and heresies condemned by the Church that contradict fundamental truths of the Christian faith, and seeks to lead men to believe that they can become as theories God.
The "New Age" has been translated into Spanish "New Era", but actually the translation of "New Age" would be "New Age". The followers of this current so called "Age of Aquarius" and "Golden Age". For the aims, others call "Configuration of Aquarius" or "Aquarian Conspiracy".
The New Age has its roots in the "Theosophical Society" founded in 1875 in New York by a Russian, Helena Blavatsky, basically car auction online spiritualist who claims to have received his teachings about "special spiritual beings" or "ascended masters".
The Blavatsky founded in 1875 the "Theosophical Society" which is a blend of Eastern car auction online mysticism and occultism (basically what is now the New Age). The president happens as Annie Besant, who tried in 1929 to introduce a new "messiah" to the world: a Hindu who rejected the status assigned to it and separated the movement.
But Alice Bailey car auction online (1880-1949), third president, English also based in USA; who is considered the "high priestess" of the "Theosophical Society". She founded the "Lucifer Trust" (now "Lucis Trust") and as a spirit medium, car auction online claimed to receive messages from a certain "teacher car auction online of wisdom" dead, a Tibetan. (It is not mere coincidence that Eastern, as discussed below.)
In numerous writings of the "Theosophical Society" messages demonic spirit which dictated it in "automatic writing", ie, in a state of mediumistic trance, during which writes the medium's hand automatically, without this having any control appear what is written.
These writings form a "Plan" which was given secret among followers. This "plan", which is the "Plan of the New Age", including a world government and one world religion. The Plan of New Age should remain hidden until 1975, when he would be brought to light.
Freemasonry is a secret society of occult and esoteric court convicted the Church, although simulates otherwise pursues the destruction of Christian civilization, starting first with the Catholic Church and other Christian faiths continuing; as well as any standard, principle or institution based in Christianity, to replace a pagan civilization and a pseudo-pagan religion also. This is important to know in order to continue to analyze the historical process car auction online of formation of the New Age, from the "Theosophical Society".
Helena Blavatsky spirit medium becomes a bit before founding the "Theosophical Society". It was during a stay in Paris (1867-1870) entering the group Kardek Allan, Mason and Encoder of Spiritualism.
Upon his return to the USA founded the "Theosophical Society" in New York on November 20, 1875 along with other Masons: Charles Sotheran (one of the leaders of Freemasonry in the USA), Henry Steele Olcott (Mason), George car auction online Felt (of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor also masónica) and William Judge.
In 1871, Albert Pike, Grand Master of one of the branches of Freemasonry, the Scottish Rite, write a basic book of Masonic car auction online philosophy: "Morals and Dogma of Freemasonry." Pike, although not formally part of the directors of the "Theosophical car auction online Society", is in contact with it.
Further evidence of the connection of Freemasonry and the New Age is this curious fact: that Masons newsletter distributed throughout the world to the "brother Masons" is called "New Age" There is evidence that it is called, at least since 1921, but this name could have been used prior to this date.
Apart from the historical evidence of the origin and relationship of the New Age with Masonry, another DETERMI

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