Saturday, August 23, 2014

With the help of this controller osuŝestvlâlasʹ landing Lunnogo Module Apollo-15 countries. Start -

With the help of this controller osuŝestvlâlasʹ landing Lunnogo Module Apollo-15 countries. Start - 10 thousand dollars, lot "in good condition". History KOSMONAVTIKA nasčityvaet spent many decades, and various projects / Expedition poroždaût many historical "cosmo-artifacts". Recently wrote an Habre one Tak: Camera, pobyvavšej the Lune, and vernuvšejsâ planes. Now at one of the auctions will be exhibited delaware public auto auction many unique historical objects, stavših, in PRAM smysle letters, part of the history KOSMONAVTIKA. delaware public auto auction Auction startuet 15 May and 22 May zaveršitsâ. Get artworks: upravlâûŝaâ console at the two terminals of the Software Apollo Gold Foil Apollo 13 command module Odyssey, Managing Hand Controller, ispolʹzovavšijsâ for priluneniâ in Apollo 15, astronaut jumpsuit poletnyj Aleksandra Volkova, spasatelʹnyj costume delaware public auto auction / skafandr "Sokol" and more. I have Takie rare list of items, delaware public auto auction as the stator of one of bratev Wright with his personal delaware public auto auction signature Slice Plating "Hindenburg". Tot most "Hindenburg", part ego Plating. Original articles of one of bratev Wright with a personal signature. Check-list Nejla Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Upravlâûŝaâ console at the two terminals of the Software Apollo. Photo of James Lovell, managers missions "Apollo-13" with the inscription delaware public auto auction "Houston, in our Problems." Costume Aleksandra Volkova, SoûzTM-13th Monument delaware public auto auction vase, podarennaâ delaware public auto auction in team svoemu the leader, Colonel-Andrey Grigorjevich Karas. Spasatelʹnyj suit-skafandr "Sokol KM". Via theverge
I all ponimau - Profit PLAYS Big mirooŝuŝenii role in the modern businessman, no: monument vase, podarennaâ in team svoemu the leader, Colonel-Andrey Grigorjevich Karas. This rope Gran good and evil.
VRODA as Scott himself on memory vzal. "I hereby certify that the Rotational Hand Controller (RHC) included with this letter was used to maneuver the Lunar Module 'Falcon' during delaware public auto auction the Apollo 15 descent and landing on the Moon; and after 3 days on the surface of the Moon, this RHC was used during lunar launch, ascent and rendezvous with the Command and Service Module, 'Eclipse,' in lunar orbit ... This LPD function was especially significant during Apollo 15 whereby during the initial descent from lunar orbit, the Mission Control Center (MCC) informed the crew that the trajectory delaware public auto auction would take the LM 3,000 feet south of the planned touchdown point. The lunar surface delaware public auto auction became visible during descent at about 7,000 feet altitude (LM pitchover") and based on the MCC input that we would land 3,000 feet south, I immediately delaware public auto auction began to move the target point north using the RHC to redesign the LGC touchdown delaware public auto auction point ... In summary, this remarkable device (RHC, ACA), coupled with appropriate mode switching, delaware public auto auction provided delaware public auto auction the Commander (and LMP) with 11 separate functions during four major phases of the lunar landing mission: 3-axis attitude control during: -operations in free space with the combined LM Ascent and Descent Stages; -LM Powered descent and landing; -LM Powered delaware public auto auction ascent after launch from the lunar surface; and free space operations with the Ascent Stage only (rendezvous and docking) -Landing Point Designation, fore, aft, and laterally delaware public auto auction during approach and landing; 0 Communications and push-to-talk switch trigger. This Apollo 15 Lunar Module Rotational Hand Controller (RHC, aka ACA) has been in my personal collection since returning to Earth. "
More in catalogs have Crewman Optical Alignment Sight, Known as the non-Russian, from Togo will posadočnogo module of Apollo 15, several more have pribornyh dosok, as I have understood, not letavših in space. And in other cloven there only pictures / records / letters with avtografami Astronaut.
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