Latest News Gaza health appeals to the international community lone star auctions to intervene to provide safe ways to transport the wounded 35 killed and more than 100 wounded in a series of Israeli raids on Gaza Qassam bombard Haifa and Tel Aviv in response to the Israeli aggression on Gaza Meteorology : an expected decline in Temperatures today's security Beni Suef adjusts the 27 accused of killing 2 and wounding 16 and burning four houses felonies North Sinai resume consideration of the issue of collaborating with Israel America plans to train and equip the National Guard of Ukraine in 2015 PA urges Israel to join the Cairo talks coloring train in Belgium Palestinian flag in solidarity Gaza Nour Party discusses reports complexes nationwide electoral nominations and another in preparation for Parliament
Approved lone star auctions today, Major General Mohamed Ali Fulayfel Damietta Governor to take all legal measures towards the launch cafeteria Palm Beach Brass land and the parking lot of the beach at auction to benefit the biggest financial effect from the summer season lone star auctions 2012/2013 2 - The need to manage the cafeteria knowledge of the employee in charge of the administration in the period the remaining season this summer lone star auctions and prepare a list of quoted prices of items intended for sale and that the sale is Bbonat of control provisions lone star auctions of the sale, as well as prepare for the internal regulation of the beach to the organization of work in the case of non-leased at auction for the summer season next 2012/2013 and to bring the happy Mr. Ali Security Guard Authority activated Tourism to the investigation by the Department of Legal Affairs for retaining the number 23 ticket category ten pounds and are 49 ticket category 2 pounds belonging lone star auctions season last summer also approved the governor to reduce the entry fee Palm Beach workers Diwan public seven days a week, drawing the entry 25% of the total value of the entry fee. 09/26/2012 lone star auctions
Articles and opinions lone star auctions
The state news agency ONA. All rights reserved. 2013
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