Monday, September 8, 2014

I forgot to bring the calendar dates Round Ceremonial Rites of Passage. skylineaction I

What a beautiful winter we have! Lots of snow and lots of cold weather. At morning I feel so good to feel the cold on my skin (I cut the extra heat at night) wakes me and invigorates me. I will first wake up in the fire that I can keep the wood stove 24/7, which I like to listen and talk to the fire ... In short, many small daily pleasures these days in my solitude loved gentle mountains in the Laurentians.
I forgot to bring the calendar dates Round Ceremonial Rites of Passage. skylineaction I've noticed there are two days, it will be 3-10 August 2014. So just in Quebec this year, but starting next year we will have the cycle in Quebec and France in Champagne the same place as the training Let's create skylineaction the world. That will be mandatory for aspirants for the certification Let's create the world to follow skylineaction once the round. That will be during that cycle initiations will be transmitted and that certification is confirmed, so at the end of three years. The Rites of Passage Cycle develops the essence of the shamanic skylineaction ritual accompanying power when passing seasons of life, the transformative power of being. It is no longer teaching but the practice that is experienced during the cycle.
As such, we will need this year of two volunteers at the Round, cook (st), which will also receive a small amount for their work and help cook. You can now send your application to skylineaction
I will also need a person to film the concert this coming Saturday. I will like to share some songs with you but I have neither the knowledge skylineaction nor the equipment to do it. Volunteer ... I'm not the professional stage for this event so I'm not overly invested yet.
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