Monday, December 2, 2013

In fact, animal behaviorists, veterinarians, and scientists agree that turkeys government auction ar

Less than a year after a Mercy For Animals undercover investigation into a Butterball turkey government auction facility led to five workers government auction being charged with  criminal cruelty to animals , a new investigation shows that animal abuse continues to run rampant at Butterball factory farms.
In October of 2012, an MFA investigator documented a pattern of shocking abuse and neglect at numerous Butterball turkey operations in North Carolina, including: workers kicking and stomping on birds, dragging them by their fragile wings and necks, and maliciously throwing turkeys onto the ground or on top of other birds; birds suffering from serious untreated illnesses and injuries, including open sores, infections, and broken bones; and workers grabbing birds by their wings or necks and violently slamming them into tiny transport crates with no regard government auction for their welfare.
Dr. Greg Burkett, poultry welfare scientist and adjunct professor of avian medicine and surgery at North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine, lent his expert review to MFA's hidden-camera government auction footage. Dr. Burkett, who also accompanied Hoke County law enforcement officials during a raid at a Butterball turkey factory farm last year, stated of the video:
"The abuses shown in this video are identical to the abuses documented in last year's Butterball investigation which led to criminal cruelty to animals charges and convictions. These behaviors are cruel, inhumane, and injurious to the birds. I am appalled at the disrespect these workers have toward the lives of other living creatures."
Dr. Sara Shields, a research scientist, poultry specialist, and consultant in animal welfare, said that this new investigation is "especially concerning" and that "under no circumstances is it acceptable to use violent force to move animals."
Following the investigation, MFA immediately went to law enforcement with extensive video footage and a detailed legal complaint government auction outlining the culture of cruelty at Butterball. Law enforcement is investigating.
Unfortunately, the lives of turkeys in Butterball's factory farms are short, brutal, and filled with fear, violence, and constant suffering. While wild turkeys are sleek, agile, and able to fly, Butterball's turkeys have been selectively bred to grow so large, so quickly, that many of them suffer from painful bone defects, hip joint lesions, crippling government auction foot and leg deformities, and fatal heart attacks.
Even though domestic turkeys have been genetically manipulated for enormous growth, these birds still retain their gentle, inquisitive, and social natures. Oregon State University poultry scientist Dr. Tom Savage says that turkeys are "smart animals with personality and character, and keen awareness of their surroundings."
In fact, animal behaviorists, veterinarians, and scientists agree that turkeys government auction are sensitive and intelligent animals with their own unique personalities, much like the dogs and cats we all know and love.
As the world's largest producer of turkey meat, Butterball is responsible government auction for 20 percent of the 252 million turkeys raised and killed for food each year in the United States, and 30 percent government auction of the 46 million turkeys who are killed for Thanksgiving.
για την αποκατάσταση του μαύρου
..Η εξέγερση αποτελεί φυσική  τάση της ζωής. Ακόμα και  το σκουλήκι στρέφεται ενάντια στο πόδι που το λειώνει. Γενικά , η  ζωτικότητα government auction και η σχετική αξιοπρέπεια ενός ζώου μπορεί να  μετρηθεί από την δύναμη του ένστικτου της εξέγερσης. Μέσα  στον κόσμο των ζωών , όπως και στον ανθρώπινο κόσμο ,  δεν υπάρχει government auction καμιά  συνήθεια πιο εξευτελιστική ,   από την συνήθεια της δουλικής υποταγής  και της καταπίεσης  κάποιου government auction από κάποιον άλλον.     ΜΙΧΑΗΛ ΜΠΑΚΟΥΝΙΝ
«Το ιερό είναι ένα θεσμισμένο ομοίωμα του απύθμενου. Δεν έχω ανάγκη από ομοιώματα government auction και η μετριοφροσύνη government auction μου με οδηγεί στη σκέψη πως αυτό που μπορώ εγώ από την άποψη αυτή, το μπορούν όλοι. Πίσω από τις ερωτήσεις σας υπάρχει η ιδέα πως μόνο ένας μύθος θα μπορούσε να θεμελιώσει government auction τη συνοχή της κοινωνίας με τους θεσμούς της. Ξέρετε πως αυτό ήταν ήδη ιδέα του Πλάτωνος: Το θείον ψεύδος. Αλλά το θέμα είναι απλό. Από τη στιγμή που γίνεται λόγος για θείον ψεύδος, το ψεύδος μένει ψεύδος και ο χαρακτηρισμός θείον δεν αλλάζει τίποτα» - Κορνήλιος Καστοριάδης
«…Κατα την κρατουσα αντιληψη ειμαστε government auction μια δημοκρατικη κοινωνια ελευθερων πολιτων, ισων εναντι του νομου. Στη θλιβερη πραγματικοτητα ειμαστε εμπορευματα. Τα αφεντικα μας πουλανε και μας αγοραζουν, σωρευοντας πλουτο και δυναμη. Ειμαστε κοτοπουλα ορνιθοτροφειου, με δικαιωμα να εκλεγουμε government auction τους επιστατες μας…» ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΜΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ΞΕΠΕΡΑΣΜΑ ΤΗΣ –
Αρθούρος Ρεμπώ Ποιος θα ξαναδώσει ζωή στις βίαιες δίνες της φωτιάς αν όχι εμείς που θεωρούμαστε αδέρφια; Ελάτε λοιπόν! Νέοι σύντροφοι: αυτό θα σας αρέσει. Δε θα δουλέψουμε ποτέ, ώ δίνες της φωτιάς! Αυτός ο κόσμος

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