Tuesday, December 3, 2013

This phenomenon is so common that has become boring. Behind every communication closure of such bus

We have entered a period that can be captured only by the military term 'prepare ground'. The world of biopali bombarded daily with information about new even tougher measures, with announcements of massive layoffs in the public sector, with new threats by the troika, with new bills foroepidromi and horizontal cuts, and so on. This tactic is always classic car auction followed when going to launch a whole barrage aimed at the complete burnout of the people. It's obvious that it's time the "final solution" for Greece.
While the rulers along with arranged propaganda still parroting the success story of Greece and to insist that we do better, the situation becomes more dramatic for the great majority of the Greek people. Let's look at some data:
The doctrine followed by the troika and its designees shall rule in the country that wants to impose new taxes on the largest professed inability ability to pay of Greek households, has led to tragic results. In a record in June climbed outstanding indebtedness of individuals to the state, classic car auction according to data released Thursday by the General Secretariat of Public Revenues. Indicative of the inability of many taxpayers to pay their debts is the fact that in just one month overdue increased by 613,5 million (EUR 59,774,229,887.97 from 59,160,722,450.31). In late 2012, they had formed a 56.105 billion euros.
Individuals who have outstanding debts to the State total 2 million classic car auction to 6 million taxpayers. Their debts amounted to 21.5 billion euros and the setting is 834.9 million. The rate of tax can not be collected on an annual basis amounted to 22%.
Legal persons who have arrears to the State's total 167,809, from 150,121 in May, a total of 227,000 legal entities (enterprises of all forms) received a tax return. Their debt to the Internal Revenue rose to 38.2 billion (setting 708 million) versus 37.7 in May. In 2011 the taxable profits of all businesses that have submitted a statement was 12.8 billion. While 2012 did not exceed 12, and even worse is the picture for 2013. In other words, the companies have annual taxable profits around 30% of the accumulated debt to the IRS.
How is it possible not to continue the wave of padlocks when 2 to 3 companies have debts to the IRS on average 3 times larger than the taxable profits; This fact suggests not only vile and totally impossible situation in which they have received very small and medium enterprises, and the orgy of looting that occurs in large and very large. Within these circumstances classic car auction the employer particular shapes of large and very large companies classic car auction plunder their funds, debt load with the public, pension funds and employees therein in order to "run away".
This phenomenon is so common that has become boring. Behind every communication closure of such business, such a hidden loot. The company converted to wreck and abandoned because there is no chance classic car auction to recover the internal market or in three decades. classic car auction With the support of the governing employers unloaded businesses and obligations, fygadefontas their funds abroad. Favorite destination especially lately are the Arab countries. That is why the ruling parties, ministers and officials do everything in order to broaden their relationships and even in privilege level with each walnut sheikhs and emirs of niggers. For decades the countries of the Arabian Peninsula classic car auction is one of the most favorable destinations for money laundering politicians, businessmen and mobsters. Especially when these three happen to be the same as is more often the case in Greece.
Remember to recapitalize the banks? Namely funding a total of 50 billion euros of four "systemic" banks, increasing the debt of Greece. What happened? Did they went on the market in the form of funding; classic car auction This is not telling us the cleruchs attorneys and lenders? Once banks financed at the expense of the taxpayer to save the bankers. The recapitalization have already made wings abroad instead of going to the internal market. The annual rate of change classic car auction of the total funding of the domestic classic car auction private sector classic car auction stood at -4.1% in June 2013, from -3.7% last month. The net flow of total credit to the domestic private classic car auction sector was negative by 212 million

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